A Jump Over Grand Canyon

A Darwinist told me, "Scientists know this because the principles of evolution are unmistakably present in most if not all fields of biological science."

I hope my friend is referring to microevolution i.e. the intra-species variations seen in a poodle and a German shepherd. I have no problem with finch beaks getting larger, moths changing colors, fruitfly developing an extra wing or leg etc.

It's macroevolution - where a fish can evolve to a mammal - that's where the money is.

Imagine with me a little boy who claims that he can jump as far as one foot... He demonstrates that he can in fact do it by jumping the distance... then he claims he can jump two feet and again, he successfully cleared the mark... I'd have more confidence if he claims he can jump 3 feet now... but my baloney detectors should go crazy if he claims that he jump over the Grand Canyon! That requires a lot of faith, don't you think? You can’t prove macroevolution by peppered moths but that's the 'evidence' we've been given by folks like Isaac Asimov.
