Did God Create Dinosaurs?

How do we reconcile Genesis with dinosaurs? Do they exist? If no, how come there are discoveries of fossils? If yes, why didn’t Genesis record any incident relating to them? Their extinction was a ‘big event’ but the Bible did not mention about it.

Every piece of literature – historical or otherwise - was written with a purpose in view. The Bible was written primarily to reveal to mankind, in every age, God’s redemptive history – from creation of man to how paradise is lost; from how God prepared the way for the Savior to come to His death, resurrection, ascension and end-time return when paradise is finally restored. To expect the Bible to discuss ‘big events’ like the extinction of dinosaurs or the landing of astronauts on the moon is to miss its purpose entirely. It is possible that the dinosaurs were destroyed when Satan fell and the Genesis account starts from an already chaotic world, where evil is already present. Genesis is an account of God stepping into a chaotic (toho de boho) world to carry out His program of salvation.

Did God create dinosaurs?

Yes, God created the T-Rex, Triceratop, stegosaurus etc.


Anonymous said…
it's possible the book of Job mentioned something about dinos too (e.g. Leviathan, the 'hippo' which doesn't quite fit the description of your ave mud-loving creature, hehe)