LBS Principles

From a Friend...

Dear folks,

There are several underlying fundamentals that has caused me to initiate the LBS group. This condensedarticle may highlight several pertinent points.

1. The concept of the Leadership Bible Study [LBS]derives from the conviction that spiritual leadersmust be individuals of the Word (2 Tim 3:16,17). To be an effective spiritual leader, one must bewell-trained and equipped with the Word of God.

2. The traditional way for one to be equipped is toquit one's job and enrol into seminary, normally for3-4 years, residential. But in today's economicrealities, that is not possible for everyone. Further,not everyone is prepared for the rigors of seminarytraining.

3. Hence, this prompted the concept of theological education through extension (TEE) - that is doing theological education without having to leave yourjob, home, family, or church. This is a relatively newconcept (1960's).

4. So LBS promotes the idea that one can work and dotheological studies simultaneously. There should notbe a dichotomy between the sacred and secular. And ifone take credits for the courses, depending on theaccreditation, it will reduce the overall time whenone actually enrols into a fixed location seminary. Inorder for participants to be diligent in theirstudies, LBS will always encourage participants to docredit.

5. The LBS classes is meant to develop spiritualleaders, who will assume different leadership roles inthe future. Some of these have gone on to becomemissionaries, pastors, Bible school lecturers, andtentmakers. Thus the discussions would assume aministerial-pastoral leadership perspective - and notjust layman. It is not really meant for youngbelievers, though occassionally we have allowed them to join.

6. Another LBS principle is that spiritual leaderscannot be mass produced. They must be discipled andmentored (Col 1:28-29). I hope to meet with each ofyou and get to know you better. Hence LBS courses areintentionally kept small (usually between 4-8, thoughit may be bigger sometimes) so that we can focus -concentrate and go in-depth. We do not try to inviteeveryone. Rather we pre-select the participants.

7. We seek for individuals who are committed to theLord, hungry for the Word, desire to serve God[especially those with full-time calling]. They maynot be leaders at the moment, but they have thepotential. We attempt to expose them to theologicaleducation, though not as intensive as the actual onebut a good exposure.

8. Further, we believe that upcoming spiritual leadersmust network with and learn from each other. Weencourage different theological perspectives in orderto avoid the disease of in-breeding and to enrich eachother's perception. We encourage participants from avariety of churches, professions, and backgrounds. Weencourage each to hear divergent views and not to beoverly rigid and dogmatic with one perspective. Yet there were times when one cycle is composed of people from the same church. [At the present moment, God has opened the door for many single working graduates, intheir 20s and 30s, and of the evangelical persuasion.]

These are a few significant principles that underpinsthe LBS classes.
