I Have A Dream

What can we learn from people like Marx, Lenin, Hitler and Osama?

Not the 7 habits of highly effective mass murderers, of course. But these men, for better or worse, shaped history because of some admirable qualities.

Kenny reminded me of them while having a “Secret Recipe” chat about changing the world, and mobilizing youths in the streets for a higher cause:

1. Capture the imagination of the next generation with a vision worth dying for
2. An intimate knowledge of what makes them tick or ticks them off
3. Spread ideas in simple language to the masses through pamphlets
4. Mobilize around themselves highly motivated, contagious foot-soldiers that start a movement going

We may sneer at their gullibility or pity those lives wasted on a megalomaniac’s dream.
But are we any better off than them?

Who’s to say that sitting on the coach and watch fabricated, “reality TV” is any more worthwhile a cause?

Or selling our souls for the “bigger car, nicer house” utopia? Yea, it’s the equally godless ideology also known as ‘materialism’?

Who would be willing to live (much less die) for a vision that rises no higher than “selling cookies for charity” or “spiritual mapping in the neighborhood”?


Dave said…
btw, blogs are touted to be the 'next big thing' in the marketplace of ideas... we have yet to have a major blog that speaks with a distinct evangelical voice... hmmmm...
Anonymous said…
Sense of oughtness getting to you yet?:)
Dave said…
Feeling it more every day.. haha... i've got to meet the Oracle one of these days and have some cookies..
Anonymous said…
what would you consider to be a "distinct evangelical voice"? and, if i may ask, why do u feel this is important (assuming you do)?
Dave said…
Hi there! An 'evangelical voice' speaks from the conviction that the Bible is God's authoritative Word and that a personal, living faith in Christ is the only way we can be rescued from the just consequences for our sins... among others.

Of course, many blogs have that character... the key word is: MAJOR blogs.

I think it's important because like Paul in the Aeropagus, we need to engage the ideas today which will shape our culture and society tomorrow.