"Darul Isa"

Just came back from a Graduate Christian Fellowship camp in Port Dickson. Speaker Dr Living quoted Charles Ringma's on 5 distortions which historically churches have suffered from":

- the reign of God reduced to ecclesiology (church) or inner
- reign of God relegated wholly to future
- reign of God confused with world' best ideologies and projects
- influence of Western Evangelicalism preaching of gospel of personal salvation rather than gospel of the kingdom of God

Carmen wrote:
"Our focus isn't in evangelism alone but also in making a difference in areas of social concern, political justice, environmental care etc. To non-believers, preaching may appear as good as blank, when not substantiated by our living testimonies and without our involvement in transformation of the many social, economic and political challenges facing our society. In my personal humble opinion, the latter appears a road less travelled. Nevertheless, social transformation can take decades to bear fruit, for our God is not an efficient God but a God of perfect timing."

We live in exciting times, folks! Evangelicals have come of age.

Make your life count.

PS: Wanna check out the beautiful people in GCF?


Anonymous said…
who's carmen, ar?
Anonymous said…
Come to the ibridge blog and find out! heheh... Hedonese