Most people have the idea that philosophers are people who have got nothing better to do than sit around and ask pedantic questions like,
"If a tree falls and nobody is there, does it make a sound?"
"How many demons can dance on the point of a needle?"
But in truth, this bunch of dead guys rule the world from their grave. Through the power of ideas whispered in seminaries or universities.... making its way to the general public through movies, popular songs, pamphlets until one day, we imbibe these ideas without even being conscious of it.
RC Sproul is one author I admire for his ability to communicate deep stuffs in a simple and entertaining manner. In "The Consequences of Ideas" he gave the beginner a tour de force of Greek philosophers until the existentialists today.
Ideas are powerful, and shape the way we live. By being aware of them, we can live an examined life reflectively according to Scripture. The one glaring weakness in this book, though, is that Sproul didn't interact much with Hegel who is a towering figure and difficult to understand. He's honest enuff to admit it, lar...
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