Ode to Foreknowledge

The Circle of Earth
... More Poems


Before the very first trickle
Of sand seeps down the hour-glass,
Nor yet life graces the circle
Of earth, There unsurpassed –
Self-sufficient, Absolutely Free,
Sovereign LORD– Alone was He!
Yet fulfilled in Relational Unity
Conceived a holy conspiracy.

In wisdom, He fore-loved this mortal frame
With reflected glory, an aesthetic image
Though fallen, marred and in shame
For cosmic rebellion hid His visage.
Depraved nature held my will in shackle
Loathsome weed awaiting the sickle
Save for Grace Unfathomable
Chose me for Mercy Unconditional.

Gentle and strong are the Potter’s hands
In ways I cannot comprehend
He molds and changes the hearts of man
According to His will and plan
No higher purpose can there be
A vessel of honour He shapes me
Unflinchingly till the work is done
In pure conformity to the Son


Anonymous said…
Morning mate...

A thought occurred while I was on the little throne earlier (do some thinking to kill idle time). David, I look back at my college days and I'm so blessed indeed. I really, really enjoyed my HELP days especially at
the tail end of 1996 until my departure down under. You played a big part too; what with "spiritual warfare", our cramping my precious Saga (remember the
window handle that broke by itself hmmmm), mamak sessions, lepak sessions and the list just goes on and on

I write this to let you know in black and white that I appreciate you as a friend David. I also thank you for confiding in me and for teaching me stuffs about the Bible. Ammanuensis rings a bell? (didn't get a chance
to use it with my young people yet though)

David, I want to let you know I treasure my friends..

Anonymous said…
Awww.... so sweet! hahaha... DC