Provoking movie that is broken up in snippets, interwoven with a spoken narrative, showing the fragmentary streams of consciousness in a man who suffers from memory loss after a tragic injury.
The strange thing is, he can remember events that happened in the last five minutes or so. Then it gets wiped out again, he's left with the memory he had up till the time he was hit on the head by his wife's killer. Now he's on a quest for revenge.
In order to do so, he has to remember the clues he has found about who the murderer is. How? Tattoo his body... and take photos/notes... before his memory fails him again.
There's a wonderful twist at the end (i'd not spoil it for ya)
The moral of the story: You selectively choose what you will remember or want to know. It has powerful implications... It's always the winners who write or create history, Karl Popper said.
How about Reclaiming the Marketplace?