A Plea To Reformed Allies

A friend sent me news that Brian McLaren was dis-invited from Kentucky Evangelism Conference. The reason was mainly due to a 'howler' in his book "Generous Orthodoxy":

"...I don't believe making disciples must equal making adherents to the Christian religion. It may be advisable in many (not all?) circumstances to help people become followers of Jesus and remain within their Buddhist, Hindu, or Jewish contexts. This will be hard, you say, and I agree. But frankly, it's not at all easy to be a follower of Jesus in many 'Christian' religious contexts, either."

A flurry of blog entries would soon follow. Al Mohler is one of the best commentators I've read on the Christian landscape. He wrote a review on Generous Orthodoxy

I'd give my take in the comments below.

But firstly, we should listen to what Brian McLaren has to say to Horton, representative of the Reformed tradition. Sorry for the extended quotation but I feel it's important. It's a model of humility we should always keep before us.

McLaren wrote:

"I believe that the Reformed system is the highest and best theological system in modernity. This is a sincere compliment…

Some of us will no doubt emphasize the semper reformanda of the Reformation more acutely… Even so, I hope he (Horton) will see us not as enemies but as missional and worshipful allies. Where he feels we’re wrong or going wrong, I hope he will offer his sagely advice and brotherly suggestions. I know that I, for one, will listen with respect and gratitude and prayerful consideration…

I would also hope that magnanimous souls in Michael’s tradition would avoid caricaturing those who are asking questions and exploring answers that differ from traditional formulations… help us all avoid needless disunity… I also hope he and his tradition will not assume the worst about us and will instead respond to our mistakes (real or perceived) with grace. Some of us speak harshly and brashly and without sufficient thought at times. (Of course, Luther launched a few zingers in his day, didn’t he?) Sometimes we’re just plain ignorant, few of us having the advantage of Michael’s scholarship and native brilliance. And while none of us (as far as I know) would endorse all the wild extremes… still many of us (myself included) say and do stupid things here and there – far more than we’d like or should.

I hope that all who, like Michael, who believe strongly in the sovereignty of God will beseech the Lord to guide those of us who stand convinced by scripture in our minds, hearts and bones that… something as profound as the reformation is needed once again." (from The Church in Emerging Culture: 5 Perspectives)


Dave said…
How do we interpret McLaren's howler? Is he saying that Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism are 'alternate pathways' to God?

It's possible, but not necessarily so. I dun think it's a natural interpretation either.

All he's saying is a person may be a follower of Jesus within a non-"Christian religion" context.
He didnt say that he doesn't need to be a disciple of Jesus at all.

Is it inconceivable that someone follows Jesus without joining any 'Christian religious context' (i.e. a denomination, institution or sub-culture)?

What does it mean to 'remain' in other religious context? He didn't clarify so he probably is responsible for muddying the waters.

I dun think he means that the disciple of Jesus should remain in idolatry or injustice inherent in his context. Again, there's some forms of idolatry and injustices in Christian religious context as well, we must admit.

A more sympathetic reading is possible, and full-blooded, evangelical missionaries in the Muslim context cud testify to it.

When someone decides to follow Jesus, he's not asked to join the nearest chapel right away. Instead he's asked to worship God and follow Jesus in the mosque. (for how long? It depends...)

He would be a 'secret' disciple who worships Jesus, while remaining in a non-Christian context (ie community, mosque, culture) In some extreme situations, the 'context' may involve a high regards for the Quran as an 'evangelistic bridge'.

There are difficult missiological issues that prevent the disciple to immediately leave his 'context' like the disciple's loss of capability to reach out, persecution, consideration abt settling for less-than-ideal scenarios to reach the next generation etc.

Is it possible that McLaren have such scenarios in mind?

OK, I must say that his intention to shock, obscure in order to provoke rethinking is not helping here. He probably deserves many of Mohler's critique ie "a non-answer IS an answer"...

but to be fait, i dun think he's advocating inclusivism, pluralism or universalism here.
Dave said…
Heheh... McLaren's compliment abt the 'Reformed system' was fine until he says *in modernity*...

Oops! Reformed theology is "pre-modern", not modern lar.

Thanks, but today, when someone call you 'modern'... Be careful! It cud mean all sorts of vague notions like 'outdated', 'rationalistic', 'mechanistic', 'colonial' etc heheh!
aPoReTiC said…
Beware also when people call you 'post-modern', ie you are a relativist, subjectivist, emotivist, cynical, irrational, see things only in 'grey', hedonistic(haha!), without commitments or convictions, having a short-attention span, overdosing on MTV and all forms of trivial entertainment, drifting through life without purpose... :D
Anonymous said…
dun forget constructivist and 'bobo' - a bourgeous with a bohemian taste... "I'm way too cool to be cool"! DC
Sivin Kit said…
Interesting to see how you help clarify the matters at hand. In our context, there's still a lot of constuctive work to be done.
Dave said…
Actually I'm not too clear abt McLaren's position... heheh.. I'm just giving the benefit of doubt, and keep open the door that he's still generous and orthodox, hehe...

is foundationalism dead?
Sivin Kit said…
carla included me by cutting and pasting from the Emergent Village website here http://members.tripod.com/carla_b/emergentmovement/leaders.html

Beware .. the next time you see me my friend. But remember to bring Dim sum ok.

I'm considering a press statement. :-) At times we take ourselves too seriously. I was reminded some humor is needed ...

how about a diet of Worms?
Dave said…
Amazing how Luther cud stomach that can of worms, heheh... Puts Fear Factor to shame.

Maybe cheese naan, next time!
Leon Jackson said…
When you see McLaren say:

"I believe that the Reformed system is the highest and best theological system in modernity."

being the sneaky fellow he is, he managed to cluster reform theology in to his "modernist" straw-man that is the scape goat of the emergent!
Anonymous said…
We should not be ashamed of recognizing truth and assimilating it from whatever source it may reach us, even though it might come from earlier generations and foreign peoples. For him who seeks the truth there is nothing of more value than truth itself. It never cheapens or abases him who searches for it, but ennobles and honours him."

-- Al-Kindi (c. 801-873)