Sombong, Ka?

Jack Said wondered why Hedonese seems 'isolated' from the rest of the world, 'macam sombong aje'... I do feel guilty and grateful to see links to Hedonese which I'm unable to reciprocate.

My lack of international relations is because...

I have no clue how to do links, ok?

I do ERP consulting, yes. But I'm cacat when it comes to programming lar...

Finally, while surfing around Aeropagus, I've found out the secrets and here are the links of friends and foes alike! hahah...

PS: Thanks to Zhiwen, for teaching me about RSS feed! Apparently you can subscribe to this blog, and get updated with any new posts.


Sivin Kit said…
wah .. changgih .. now you know how to do links ... thanks for including mine under "cool".

Terranove has moved here .. and morphed into and he's in "Selah" mode because of NS.
killarkai said…
yo! Check out my bloglines subscriber -> Hedonese - subscribed since October 19, 2004.
I thought you knew about RSS long time ago!
Anonymous said…
heheh.. i got the RSS turned out but apparently you can also subscribe by clicking on the "Wanna Atom Feed" link up there?

It all sounds Greek to me!
Leon Jackson said…
Wow! I made it to the list. Thanks Dave, this is a great day! Too bad mother does not blog, she would be proud of me.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for dropping by my blog. You have a really wonderful page.

Anonymous said…
Lest i am seen as the bad guy, let me say that Hedonese is always my hero...hehehehehee...Frodo if not Aragon.

And btw, (A.Life.Examined) is still working. I am still operating that blog in addition to (the lord of the {blog} rings). The one is by Jack Said, the other is by Jack the LOT{B}R, one essence two persons :D

Just Jack
Dave said…
Jack, I've included Malaysian Cowper in the links, may your buaya activities prosper...

:) Good to meet you too, Joel - a Reformed Singaporean creationist.... interesting!

PS: I think I'm more comfy w Eomer!