A Portrait of Paul

Revisiting "What Did NT Wright really say?" here...

Extraordinary Nobel Laureate Albert Schweitzer left us FOUR questions abt Paul:

1. Where do we put him in historical context of 1st century religion?
2. How do we understand his theology - starting point and centre?
3. How do we read his letters? (exegesis, the test of all theories)
4. What is the practical pay-off today?

Here is how Kasemann answers...

Contrary to folks like Maccoby who blamed Paul for importing Hellenistic corruptions into Christianity, Paul's critique of Judaism comes from WITHIN Jewish context. Just like the ancient prophets, Jesus and John the baptist before him...

Contrary to Schweitzer's contention that Pauline center is mystical 'being in Christ', he argues that justification by faith undercuts all religious pride and legalism.

God in Christ has won the victory over powers of evil, and we're to implement that victory via gospel proclamation.

Contrary to the religious piety that went along meekly with Nazi government, Kasemann was imprisoned for being part of the underground German Confessing Church...

The practical payoff of his exegesis is firmer political theology.
