Beware of Piper!

Christian Hedonist John Piper has officially weighed in on postmodernism at Reformission 2004 conference... (In the process, he tackled Open Theism and New Perspective for completeness sake)

DON'T MISS the goodies here!

On another front, some fundamental Baptists are waving the 'yellow flag' (warning, warning) on Piper's position on spiritual gifts, inerrancy and open theism(?!) Read all about it at the Centurion's

Open theism...
Hello?? Have we forgotten who took all the bullets and fired all the cannons during the debate with Greg Boyd again?

Folks who can't find fault with Piper look for a prey in Dan Fuller (his sifu) and make him guilty by association, ler. (Same trick used to undermine his view of forensic justification)

Spiritual Gifts...
Come on lar... It's a clear case of anachronism to read back the 'completion of canon' into 1 Cor 13:10

I'm also heartened to see the 'conservative face' of Emergent USA. Tim Challies does a fine review of The Radical Reformission by Mark Driscoll.


FX Turk said…
Just a quick note that I was reporting the FBFI's position, not endorsing it. John Piper's my favorite contemporary author on the topic of Jesus Christ, and I thought the FBFI's "concerns" were, in the best case, um, broad-brush.

Thanks, however, for the link. Will try to return the favor some time.
Leon Jackson said…
When I read the FBFI's comment at the link, I didnt know if I should laugh or cry?
lycaphim said…
I ceased to become a fan of FBFI started studying the bible =)

Oh, and you forgot to deal with those yelling Piper=NPP!
Dave said…
Omigosh! The folk(s) who think Piper = NPP really need to brush up on their creeds! Hehehe....

Tom Schreiner is one of many who stand on JP's shoulders... He wrote "Apostle of the Glory of God in Christ" in which he unpacks the center of Pauline theology as the glory of God... (undercurrents of Christian Hedonism)... He interacts somewhat with NPP folks, definitely on the side of 'Lutheran' Paul.
Dave said…
O ya! Cant miss this article which criticises Piper's view on inter-racial marriage and harmony:

This one you'd either laff or cry! No way in between... :D