Discipline of Celebration

Finally, John See has finished chronicling his journey through the Celebration of Disciplines... I've enjoyed his 'working out' of spirituality from different traditions though wat i really need is a 'discipline of exercise' to shed off my 'spare tayar'. Do check it out!

On a different note, Sivin posted this announcement...

"Luther's Central Insights for today"
This lecture points at what Christians of today can learn for their daily lives from Martin Luther's teaching about God's sovereignty and his grace revealed by Christ.

Venue: Luther House Chapel Petaling Jaya (Jalan Utara next to Hospital Mata)
Date: Monday, *29 August 2005*
Time: 8 pm – 10 pm
Speaker: Dr. h.c. Hans Schwarz*

Professor of Protestant Theology at Regensburg University and ordained Pastor of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Bavaria (Germany). Regular guest lectures at universities and theol. seminaries in Asia, Australia, Europe and U.S.A.
