If you are driving along the Tebrau Highway and you see a bush that is burning and yet is not consumed (not burnt up), what will you do: (a) whipped out your hand phone and call 911 to inform the Bomba; (b) ignore it and drive by to your next appointment; (c) slow down, get out of the car, join the rest of the crowd to see the spectacular free show or (d) recognize the presence of God?
While recognizing our civil duty to call in the Bomba, most of us will not do so. We do not want to get ‘involved’. Someone else will call in will be our justification. However, that may not stop us from calling our friends to tell them about the fire. Most of us will ignore the burning bush and just drive on. We are in a hurry and there is so much to do and so little time to do it. Some will get out to look at the burning bush. “How do they accomplish this special effect?” they wondered. “Are they making a movie?” Very few will recognize the presence of God and even fewer will move close enough to hear the voice of God as Moses did (Gen.3:4).
What we choose to do is a reflection of our spirituality.
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