Reality, Myth, Imagination

Irene Q blogged about the RZIM event at SIB "Reality, Myth & Imagination"

The gist of the talk mainly focused on the topic of imagination and the works of CS Lewis as well as Tolkien. The fact that when we Christians write, or make movies, or create works of art, our underlying beliefs and commitments anchor those works; therefore, what we believe cannot help but be expressed in what we create.

And stories are powerful not only because they engage the imagination and stir the heart. They also often contain a shadow of something greater, a shadow of a wonderful truth. In the battle between good and evil, we want the good guy to win. On a quest to free a hostage or protect a victim or save the world, we want the hero to succeed.

Read on

Btw, if u havent got the news, Princess Snoflek will be going to Japan for 2.5 years!! Will be doing part time work as a geisha. (Blame it on Zhang Ziyi! Will some rich Malaysian Chairman sweep her off her feet and stop this madness?)


Anonymous said…
Wah kena linked liao. Thanks!!! Didn't know you read my blog oso :P
Dave said…
Of course la! The famous Irene Q, I'm a faithful fan ok?
happiwife said…
haha. i'm not sure if sarah knows that you actually linked her too ;)
Anonymous said…
Haiyo, very flattered :D
Dave said…
Sarah probably dunno this but come to think of it, my gift for her last Christmas was prophetic...

:D "Don't Waste Your Life!" by John Piper
§nóflèk said…
hahaha... i just found out u blogged about my plans to become, er, a geisha! :p

thanks for the PR haha.. now i'm also femes like ireneQ :D
Dave said…
:) Will miss ya! Keep the webcam on always so all we iBridgers can remember how u look like ... ehehe

Have a safe journey and Sayonara!