Musings From Marina

The Da Vinci Code on a lighter side


A FRIEND was relating how after her daughter had read the Da Vinci Code, she had wanted to read the Bible. Which is not in itself a bad thing except that she was concerned that an impressionable young mind would not be able to differentiate fact from fiction. Also it seemed that perhaps what was needed is a Da Vinci Code-type book for Muslims to spark off the same level of interest in young people in their own religion.

Except that if anyone tried to write a similar thriller based around Islam, they’d be hounded and pilloried and threatened with death, thousands would riot in protest and people who would never have been able to read the book either because they are illiterate or can’t afford it would have died.

Such is the difference between our religions. While there are many Christians who are upset about the book and movie, they are countering it with seminars and other educational events to balance what is being said in the book, even if the book is only fiction. There have not been Da Vinci Code-related riots or deaths thus far. Which speaks volumes for the adherents of the faith.

PS: Resources on The Quest for the Historical Jesus in Bahasa

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Apa tu Da vinci code?


Dave said…
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jesscet said…
good one from marina. wish there are more Muslims who could think like her and also walk the talk! btw, the movie is lame.. and quite boring!
Dave said…
Ya! ur rite, it sucks!! So many people are just so confused about the whole thing, it's just one wild claim after another... even I laugh out loud during the critical moment when sophie is 'revealed' as the descendant of Jesus Christ :D