Luther's 'Little' Point

"If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ.

"Wherever the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved and to be steady on all the battlefield besides is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that one point."

- Martin Luther

Aiya! Can't carry any liquid products - drinks, toothpaste, sunblock, cosmetics - on the plane now ar??? Sei lor... Gonna be a long queue at the airport. Went shopping at, wallet seriously injured... Hope the luggage can pass Customs!

Grace got me a handphone with some digital camera capability. I get to carry her photos around and showing it off to my colleagues. "She's too sweet for you!" was the response. I interpret that as a compliment.

Perhaps you could understand my feelings here.

When we love someone, we like to tell others about him or her - their persons, abilities and achievements - that make us so proud of them.

We would not be happy if someone points to the photos and say, "Hey! That's NOT your loved one!". Nor would we like it if someone said, "oh! That's not your ONLY girlfriend".

This is especially so if that person has never seen our loved ones, and only had the photo to recognise them.

Similarly 'Trinity' is an essential Christian doctrine that reflects a true picture of who God is.

It's not a replacement of God. But it is a biblically faithful pointer for us who have never seen Him face to face.

Of course, it helps to listen to what other people say, think and ask about God.

No question about that. We do not honor Christ by being closedminded.

But open-mindedness cannot be used as an excuse to black-list everyone who exercise any form of discernment.

I listen to non-Christians too, and i wonder when was the last time folks who prided themselves for being 'open minded' sit at starbucks with a buddhist or muslim friend and listen to them and 'share Jesus' with them :)

By all means, listen to others but..

Dun be so open minded that our brains fall off la!
retain the critical faculty where necessary :)

We do not need to water down the Christian faith in order to appear 'intellectually respectable'.

On the bright side, I finally found some time to interact with views that we cannnot tell whether the doctrine of Trinity is an essential Christian belief here...
