Moving the Hand of God (Close)

Conclusion: Moving the Hand of God

Although the debate would persist on many hermeneutical, philosophical and theological fronts, pastors and church leaders ought not lose sight of the real people, who still need to be counseled, encouraged and comforted in the manifold seasons of life. While every theological model of the inexhaustible God has its strengths and weaknesses, open theism has more than its fair share of difficulties that put the vitality of Christian life at grave risk. We yearn to see a more respectful and humble discourse in which the issues are framed and opposite views represented fairly.

However, we ought not treat this debate as a purely academic storm in a teacup in view of the serious practical implications the doctrine of God would have on our life and practice. Nothing short of the glory of God is at stake in the undermining of the orthodox vision of God’s exhaustive, divine foreknowledge (Isaiah 42:8-9). Countless saints in the past have learnt strength as they trust in the sovereign goodness of God like the widows of Jim Elliot and his missionary friends who were martyred in a case of seemingly ‘pointless evil’. Yet through the tragedy, God worked to bring forth the salvation of the Hourani tribe including some of the killers themselves. While we may not always see God’s purposes this side of heaven, we could afford to take big risks for the Kingdom and combat evil because the Rock our trustworthy foundation of hope is not vulnerable to risks.


Anonymous said…
very readable.I believe you put in a great effort to put forward the
issues in a easily understandable form for people like me.

Good weekend!
Dave said…
Thanks for the encouragement bro! yea, i honestly dun think i can make it any simpler than this hehe... but since it's an assignment for my part time course, i need to include a bit of big words too... so if got any question, feel free to post it here. Or if its helpful, forward it :)