Deja vu... Just when we think Da Vinci Code is all over, here comes another sensationalized story on the supposed marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene...
Lose no sleep over the latest buzz on James Cameron's documentary on the Talpiot family tombs (alleged "Jesus Family Tomb") , and make the most of the opportunities to be an informed, winsome and tactful ambassador for Christ...
Check out these resources from:
Larry King Live with Al Mohler, James Cameron, etc.
Ben Witherington
Darrell Bock
Andreas Kostenberger
James White
Internet Monk
Larry King Live with Al Mohler, James Cameron, etc.
Ben Witherington
Darrell Bock
Andreas Kostenberger
James White
Internet Monk
this will not be the first nor the last attempt for Jesus tomb. My best guess is that: if this turn out not true, there will be someone somewhere to find more tombs to fit the explaination. Ergo, this kind of "incident" will be repeating itself over and over again.
My concern is that apart from people's zealousy to find such tomb, what will happen to Christian if their tolerance/patience are running out? Just one bad incident (e.g. something bad happen to James Cameron), one incident is powerful enough to send out the wrong signal. After all, there are about 2 billion Christians out there...
ur rite, in tis day and age, events have a ripple effect on the rest of the world, and how we carry ourselves will either be a witness or an obstacle to the gospel... Let's pray tat folks like Tabor, Cameron and Simcha will be kept safe from fanatics (if any!) and they may also have the integrity to see the truth