A Spiderman III Movie Review by Tim Berroth: "Spider-Man is brought to a point where the only hope that remains is looking upward to a church cross silhouetted against a stormy, gray sky. It is within the walls of this sanctuary where he “puts off” his black suit and is, once-again, clothed in the familiar red and blue suit of the hero. To top it off, the scene quickly cuts to Parker being “washed clean”—and we know that the cleansing is more than physical. The symbolism here is striking. Earlier in the film, Parker said, “You want forgiveness? Get religion.” Well, Parker, seems like in Spider-Man 3, you finally found it. Perhaps the audience will see the light too. If their heads aren’t spinning (no pun intended) from all the action, that is."
PS: Grace's favorite line in the movie: “A man has to put his wife before himself." Er... Yes, dear...