Defending The Faith

Scott Thong from D2Y2 posted some helpful thots on Christian APologetics:

Every Christian should educate themselves on the foundation and reasons for our faith. I shall leave you with a few pointers to start you off on Christian apologetics:

1) According to 1 Peter 3:15, we should present our arguments with 'gentleness and respect'. Nobody likes to listen to a rude and arrogant person.

2) Be objective and logical; stick to the facts. Saying things like “the bible is true because billions of Christians believe it!” only hurts your case.

3) If you can't give an explanation, admit that you can't right now. However, make it clear that you're going to find out the facts and get back to them with a clear answer.

4) Refrain from attacking or insulting the beliefs of others. That's called polemics, not apologetics, and can get you into serious confrontations.

5) Know that the hearts of men are often hardened. While arguments may open the door to their minds, it is the Holy Spirit that opens the door to their hearts. Do remember to share the Gospel with them as well!


Anonymous said…
Hi Dave. I'm not with Acts church, I'm based in Johor Bahru actually. But I come from Ipoh too, and in small Malaysia I know plenty of Acts-goers.

I enjoy apologetics (hope not just for the sake of argument!)... It's much ore comfortable than the stressful polemics. But sometimes it's hard to refrain from attacking shaky doctrine and interpretation.
Dave said…
:) i've learnt something abt apologetics not too long ago, that it's easier to do it online than in personal face to face conversations... but one of the most enriching experience is the opportunity to do it with a group of friends, it has transformed how i perceive apologetics and also a joy to see how the lord can use it to transform lives as well.

Keep developing in the area of knowledge, wisdom and character!