The Agora forum on social justice had a lively and stimulating discussion, I was especially helped by the reflections from Chrisanne on how to get the young aware and involved, Luke on taking heart by seeing what we do as having implications for his children, Peter on how social justice and racial reconciliation is grounded in the gospel etc... Also honored to see an old friend, Hwok Aun, in our midst. In case you missed it, here is the text version of what was shared:
Social Justice In Malaysia : Doing Justice to Our Faith
by Tricia Yeoh Su Wen
Churchianity: The 'Church' as we see it today
In order to even begin any discourse on social justice, one must first analyse the frameworks that we use to see the world. The lenses that we put on ourselves have been commonly called “worldviews”, through which we make sense of all that is around us. This foundation then determines everything about what we believe and how we consequently behave and react, depending on the situations surrounding us. This is extremely imporstant as we examine the relevance and poignancy of the Church in Malaysia today.
Read on at Geng Salib, a youth project supported by the Agora.
Social Justice In Malaysia : Doing Justice to Our Faith
by Tricia Yeoh Su Wen
Churchianity: The 'Church' as we see it today
In order to even begin any discourse on social justice, one must first analyse the frameworks that we use to see the world. The lenses that we put on ourselves have been commonly called “worldviews”, through which we make sense of all that is around us. This foundation then determines everything about what we believe and how we consequently behave and react, depending on the situations surrounding us. This is extremely imporstant as we examine the relevance and poignancy of the Church in Malaysia today.
Read on at Geng Salib, a youth project supported by the Agora.