Our hope is that by translating these resources into the many languages of global Christianity, and furthermore by distributing them for free online, we will be able to make a contribution toward the future health and growth of the church. To read more about this, check out our Mission Statement.
For other information, you can visit our Frequently Asked Questions page, read about how our process works, or visit the Community Portals to see what's going on in your language." (Be patient with the links, Work in progress...)
Many thanks to the pioneer volunteers - Junia, Yenny, Saudara Jubilie Apin frm Sabah, Godlief, Ronald Oroh, Adi and others! Look forward to the collaboration for the gospel... in Indonesia, Malaysia and beyond.
Volunteers with a grasp of Bahasa Msia, Indonesia or Chinese may contact us at hedonese at yahoo dot com