Thinking Theologically Conference

SIN is something that is rarely talked about in, to some it's a taboo word, and yet, it's the issue that affects all of us so greatly. let's come and learn to read the Bible and understand, what it has to say about sin in our lives.

TTC 2008 brings Christians like yourself and others together to think through this theological issue under God's Word. It promises to be 3 days of warm fellowship, good food, thoughtful prayer, and an equipping of the mind for faithful ministry.

Speaker: Rev Dr Andrew Cheah, a graduate of Moore Theological College and has served at St. Mary’s since 2003.

The organisers are: The Gospel Growth Fellowship a fellowship committed to glorifying God through the growth of Gospel-centred evangelical Christianity in the local church. We believe Christians should be passionate about the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:1-6) and make it central in
life, thought and ministry.

We therefore serve the local church in several ways:

Building its members up in a Gospel-centred biblical literacy: faithful to the text, theologically sound and interpreted accurately in Christ.

Equipping members of the local church with the skills and thinking necessary for doing Gospel-centred word ministry.

Encouraging Christians to be committed to Gospel-centred service and leadership of the church.

Fostering mutual support amongst fellow-workers in Christ for perseverance in
Gospel-centred ministry.
