Live For Another Day

You win some and you lose some when doing apologetics.

Sometimes, I bit off more than I could chew. Like one time in college, I overheard two guys talking bad about the Bible so, with my best Clint Eastwood swagger, I asked if I could join in the chat.

(and make my day!)

At first, they were apprehensive but seeing my innocent face, they let me in.

I got whipped... like a WWE handicap match.
A long-haired macho-man plus a Pakistani-Hongki Muslim.

So my zeal exceeds my rationality sometimes... but the redeeming grace was two-fold:

1) A good ambassador shouldn't back down from a challenge. (unless ur rushing for class or late for a date)

2) When outgunned and outwitted, switch to fact-finding mode. I heard this from Greg Koukl before, but surprisingly I already used it way back. The odds of winning them over are not good, but at least, you cud take notes and come prepared next round.

If you like hardcore WWE matches, look out for the following 'family engagements':

Richard Gaffin vs NT Wright (New Perspective)
James White vs Doug Wilson (Justification - Federal Vision)

More details:


Anonymous said…
yo dave! do u have these blogs in book format? i hope to read all of them one day but not a computer person, u know... keep up the good work, u have a gift

Dave said…
Still looking for a generous publisher... heheh