Table Talk

Over dinner, some church frens shared w me their experience that most of the non-Christians they talk to don't ask tough questions... like 'why is there evil?' or 'how u know bible is true'?

So, why do we need to go deep into theology and apologetics? Don't you have the same experience?

Honestly I shared w them that I get nothing but tough questions frm the people I talk to. But I recognise that apologetics is only 10% of the work... 90% involves relationship, building bridges, respect and walking w them to faith.

That's so absolutely true.

The reason our experiences differ may be due to our diff spheres of ministry.. They are in evangelism and I'm more into 'pre-evangelism'. I don't do altar calls during my chats with friends. I ask leading questions and drop hints. I hope someone like them who is in a position to 'reap the harvest' would come along and make that invite.

Having said that, I think we underestimated the intellect of our friends. Just a foretaste of the kind of questions we grapple with at a Chinese dinner in Sri Kembangan recently.

(Which also explains my amazement abt how on earth we can avoid questions??)

Q: Dave, can u explain this "Since an infinite past involves as actual infinite series of events, the universe must have a finite beginning"?

A: (After a few false starts) The guy is saying that 'infinity' is a mathematical concept that cannot be actual, so the universe cannot have an infinite past...

Q: How do u know that there can't be an actual infinite?

A: Bcos if there is actually an infinite series of past events, we'd never reach this present moment when we're chewing on this soft shell crab... it'd just go on and on

Q: Why not?

A: Bla... bla... bla... (If today is 1, and you count backwards... 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, etc... you'd never stop, you'd never reach some place where u can count back up to this day... Er, try to imagine how you can jump out of a bottomless pit...? In order to jump, you need to reach the bottom but there is no bottom in a bottomless pit like an actual infinite..

(heheh, of course this kinda discussion won't get people saved, but I do hope to stir up interest and start a spiritual conversation going..!)
