Christian Intellectual Witness

Excepts from the pen of Dr Ng Kam Weng...

Adolf Hernack observed that the early church gained ascendancy because they not only out-loved their competitors; they also out-thought their critics...

J.G. Machen who wrote, "We may preach with all the fervor of a reformer and yet succeed only in winning a straggler here or there, if we permit the whole collective thought of the nation or of the world to be controlled by ideas which, by the relentless force of logic, prevents Christianity from being regarded as anything more than a harmless delusion."

We must address the challenge of the cultured despisers of Christianity if Christian witness is to gain credibility...

It is true that many Christian leaders in the third world do not have enough time to acquire the pre-requisite skills and knowledge adequate to confront the best scholars from the other religions. Hence, it is vital that we begin early to equip younger Christians for such a demanding task. In fact, young Christians are often put on the defensive while undergoing the indoctrination process under their national education system. Christian youths are themselves increasingly vulnerable to conversion to resurgent Asian spirituality...

Unlike their Western counterparts who benefit from the liberal arts program in their general education. Asian Christians are often denied opportunities to reflect on their Christian intellectual heritage, especially if the national education system favours another religion. Consequently many Christian begin serious reflection on their philosophical and theological heritage only when they go to the seminaries.

Ironically, they learn about the Asian religion form 'experienced missionaries' who have returned to the West. Asian churches that seek to produce Christian thinkers who can match their local religious counterparts are obviously handicapped by such late academic beginnings. It is urgent that we identify promising young leaders and nurture them with supplementary education while they are still in colleges. Long-term programs must be devised to enhance their competence in Asian philosophies and religions...

It is urgent that we identify promising young leaders and nurture them with supplementary education while they are still in colleges. Long-term programs must be devised to enhance their competence in Asian philosophies and religions.

The full article is in NECF Consultation


Dave said…
Amen! Amen! OK, any young disciples looking for a 'guru' can approach Steven Sim at PJ Section 17... He can pull some strings hahaha!
MaoBi said…
"Asian Christians are often denied opportunities to reflect on their Christian intellectual heritage, especially if the national education system favours another religion."

True until you realize that the intellectual heritage eventually traces itself to 12 uneducated (literally and derogatory sense) people who knew more about boats and fishing, collecting taxes and extorting people, zelotry and formenting revolution than they did about "confronting thinkers of competing faiths".

Yet there is a place for thinkers too :)
Dave said…
Heheh... Welcome, Mao Bi, to my humble abode!

Don't forget that the uneducated '12' has been reinforced by Ivy League-trained Paul of tarsus... Of course, under the tutelage of Sifu Jesus the Twelve (who came from not-so-fantastic background, as you mentioned) eventually pull their act together and wrote magnificent stuffs like the Gospel of John, epistles of Peter, etc.

It ain't over till the fat lady sings?
Leon Jackson said…
MaoBi, there is no reason to believe that some of the apostles (especially Matthew, a civil servant of the Roman Empire, that has so much of Jesus teaching that he must have been scribbling everything Jesus said all the time) were uneducated. And even if they all were, maybe that’s why the sovereign God choose Paul, to formulate the greatest thinking ever, that confronted the false notions (of even the other Apostles like Peter) and replaced them with the clear thinking that we take for granted today as basic Christianity! We are not Galatians’ like circumcised Gnostics, nor Arians today thanks to the great thinkers that have stood in our ranks.
Anonymous said…
Some people think Peter couldnt have written the epistles because the Greek language is polished and a fisherman can't write that good...

But they forgot to consider that Peter could have employed a secretary...

Or that Peter could have learnt and improved over the years! (same story for apostle John)
Anonymous said…
Wow, Dr. NKW's comments are pretty much spot-on, I think! It's true, I've only had a better appreciation (and even then, I still have a long, long way to go) of my Christian heritage after I came over here to the UK to study.

Studying in a humanities programme in a secular Western university is challenging as well (I'm studying English Lit), and often I do feel inadequate especially when it comes to critically engaging with the material at hand. I'm tempted to blame our education system for this, but that might be unfair, considering I'm not the most hardworking person. =]

The Malaysian Christian community will be well-served by good thinkers. Heart and mind, truth and soul...

jedibaba said…
As always we need to have a wholistic response that includes:
1. Coherent and informed Christian worldview
2. Sacrifical love
3. Witness of transformed lives and communities
4. Willingness to suffer and die for the faith
Somehow Christianity did better when we were the persecuted minority than when we took over the Empire.
Dave said…
Truth embodied in community... yup!

When i was in HELP institute, I had no inkling about how to respond to the sociology big-shots of Comte, Durkheim, Webber... Wished someone had given some pointers from a Christian perspective.