Pascal's Wager

Someone shared that he accepted Christ for no other reason than fearing hell... if hell exists, maybe we should hedge our bets?

Well, imho, this reason is less than the ideal motivation for faith, which is really, about seeing and loving God for who He is...

But then again, properly speaking, fear is a rational response to a clear and present danger, so, heheh...

Reminds me of Pascal's Wager...

"If God does not exist, it does not matter how you wager, for there is nothing to win after death and nothing to lose after death. But if God does exist, your only chance of winning eternal happiness is to believe, and your only chance of losing it is to refuse to believe. As Pascal says, "I should be much more afraid of being mistaken and then finding out that Christianity is true than of being mistaken in believing it to be true."
