Just Another Blog

"I dun have time to blog my own life, where got time to read someone else's?" someone once said.

Well, I hope The Confessions (and others in "Petaling Circle", Prague Circle, whatever) is not just a journal or online diary.

When Sivin prodded some of us to blog, I envision the portrait of a worldview being fleshed out in brief sketches of life.

Probably didn't turn out that way... hehehe...

There are two ways to promote truth and godliness, Edwards said in his preface to David Brainerd's biography, a book that has helped many God-entranced missionaries:

"the one, by doctrine and precept; the other, by instance and example"...

Hopefully, we can offer samples of both...

But I seem to disappoint a lot of people when we meet face-to-face. Instead of a coherent picture, (expectation: a bearded fella with thick glasses) they find a contradiction... which I've also given up to reconcile.

Either I'm suffering from 'integrity' issue or I'm living in between tensions! Haha!

PS: Surprising Findings of George Barna and Ron Sider


Anonymous said…
You're not a contradiction my friend. Even photographs at every angle cannot display all the facets of a diamond.
Sivin Kit said…
hey i thought you are a great guy when i first met you in person. Don't just a bloke by his blog I say. :-) and there's always more than mets the blog . We are complex creatures who are trying live in the art of simplicity.
ee said…
i met you before i started reading your blog, so it was a pleasant surprise for me?! ;P
Steven Sim said…
I was utterly shocked the first time I met you. It was way before I read your blog...but after your nephew had told me so much of your great deeds (and thoughts) and after I'd visualized you as, following those early news, a grey (or grey-ing) wise Gandalf. Instead I was met with a young-dashing-spirited Aragon.

:) Gasp! And I thought it's always better in the story. Now we have both the Wizard and the Warrior in one person.

Dave said…
C'mon... no false advertisements please! Gandalf and Frodo, I accept lar.. hahahaa....

Wizard and hobbit!!