YM God-Talks

chickedee: dave, I need a sign that God is there…

hedonese: Sometimes, though, even spectacular evidence cannot coerce faith…

hedonese: the Israelites in Moses’ day - they have this pillar of fire in front of them for years

hedonese: yet they could still be in unbelief. Sometimes He speaks in still, small voices…

chickedee: yeah i know but however subtle it is, it has to make me think that it's god right? conversely, if i start looking for god in everything, i am sure i will "find" him in everything i see and do.

chickedee: i mean, if god knows me inside out, why can't he just let me know he's there in a way that works for me...unless he doesn't want to show himself to me

chickedee: tell me abt yr struggles

hedonese: well, there is no way around that actually...
hedonese: the evidences that count usually are wat fits with the lens with which we look at the world
hedonese: so there u have a Christian who sees angels and demons under every rock
hedonese: and an atheist who sees nothing but atoms and molecules haha
hedonese: but i think there's a middle ground... in that, we should be 'open'
hedonese: to the ways God may choose
hedonese: for me, beauty counts very much
hedonese: especially if that beautiful thing gives me a glimpse of stg beyond itself
hedonese: it doesnt happen everyday

hedonese: sunsets happen everyday... but when it takes on a 'revelation' hhah... I'd sit up and take notice

hedonese: it doesn't prove God to me... it's more like I 'know' God is
hedonese: but now, He's giving me a peek
hedonese: my struggle is... that 90% of the times, i dun experience anything diff

hedonese: and at times, it's also my own struggle with sin that prevents a more intimate personal 'knowledge' of God in my own life

hedonese: when i offend God with my thots/actions, God seems withdrawn
hedonese: until i set things right with Him first...
hedonese: so it's also putting myself in a position to receive His 'signs'
hedonese: and i do sense sometimes that church itse;f doesn't provide the right kind of atmosphere to experience God in worship

hedonese: things seem trivial, instead of a certain gravity associated with Majesty, at times...

hedonese: but then again, it s more 'intimate'
hedonese: but 10% things i look out for, are those moments
hedonese: in church, or nature or people...
hedonese: the signs that I should expect to see if a personal, wise God created this world

hedonese: ie meaning, beauty, relationships, truth...
hedonese: things that dun really make sense if everything is just atoms and molecules flying around

chickedee: ok, i see what u mean. however, even if i do see god in stuff and relationships around me, which i sometimes, it still doesn't make him personal to me. he is just a omnipotent god but quite detached one...

(To be continued...)
