Books For Sale

Clearing some books from my shelf...

1) Rescue (Haslam etc. discuss sin, salvation in plain language) RM 10
2) Jesus among other gods (Ravi Zacharias, apologist) RM 25
3) What abt other faiths? (Martin Goldsmith - a missionary in Indonesia) RM 25
4) Mere Christianity (CS Lewis) RM 25
5) John Murray Collected Writings RM 30


ee said…
hey, i wouldnt mind owning Mere Christianity, but is it in a good condition?? since we've been friends for a while, got discount?? or any free gifts you're throwing in?? better price laa...
Anonymous said…
Aiyo! Give you 50% discount... you doubt the quality of the book... OK la, i throw in a 30-day money back guarantee

johnsee said…
hey dave, I would like to have Mere Christianity as well. Saw in at MPH (new reprint) and it's double your price. Hope it's in good condition, AND, how much is the current bid, I'll raise it!
Dave said…
Ee Wei is in big trouble in this price bid... heheh!

Dun worry, lots of stock... ur eligible for the Agora special discount!