Irresistible Grace

Life has been interesting lately...

1) Trying to learn some nifty yoga postures
2) Endured a masochistic Guasa - traditional Chinese treatment
3) Braving traffic jams to attend MLM talks
4) Started to eat nutritional supplements
5) Detoxed utterly via a series of 'Tokyo raids'
6) Watch 'live' Mandarin play called 'Yi Zi Ren" literally 'Chairperson'
7) Now a bunny hangs from my windscreen

Reminds me of this Lobo song:

"I can't give any more of my soul away
And still look myself in the mirror everyday
I can't change any more
of what makes me be myself
And still have enough left
not to be somebody else"

O-yea! I need more 'irresistible' grace!!
