Foolishness to the Greeks

Some time ago, some friends got together to translate some of Stephen Tong's sermons... I find it ironic that the church flourishes in the Two-third World where the faith was vehemently opposed (think Communist Russia/China), and declines in the Western world with centuries of Christian legacy.

There are many socio-political reasons, but I think the greatest theological reason is the loss of truth. The very concept of a transcendent, universal truth is wrapped in skepticism... Perhaps there's a lesson in history here?

Here, Rev Stephen Tong gave us a tour de force on the history of philosophy:

"As we draw to a conclusion, I want to issue a challenge to the new generation to rise up where the older generation has failed in the past. If we look at the trend in Church growth, Christian population is rising rapidly in Africa, Asia (China and Korea) and Latin America. Christianity seems to prosper in poor and less educated societies. However, in more developed and sophisticated nations, church attendance in most denominations has declined drastically. Does this mean that Christianity is only for the uncultured and uneducated? God forbid! Was not the Gospel sufficient and essential for both Greeks and barbarians? The need of the hour is for men and women who are able to discern biblical principles and diagnose the spiritual sickness of the present age. We need to read Scripture with one hand and the newspaper with the other to engage the hostile marketplace of ideas.

Beloved brothers and sisters, let us not become spiritual hermits who seclude ourselves in the ivory tower and remain ignorant of world events. We know that Christ is the answer to every human dilemma and yet we do not even know the questions. We are only content to be saved and wait for Christ’s return. Let us also not be immersed with the things of this world lest we forget God’s word and the centrality of the Cross. May God take pity on us!

It is tragic that at such an opportune time as this when the witness of Christ is available to 95% of world population our light is so dimmed. The pervading climate of anti-intellectualism and doctrinal illiteracy has taken its toll. We have quantity but where is the quality? Do the words of our pastors and elders command the respect of the world, besides their own flock? Are our seminary graduates today equipped to engage the enemy on their own ground? God is pleased to choose the foolish and the weak to confound the wise. In so doing, He displays His glory in the sufficiency of His grace."

Read the rest of his Overview of the 20th Century
