Science: Studying Creation

A teaser for Leon's coming workshop on "God and Science", which Christians who love the sciences should not miss. Welcome to our 'living room'!

Date: 18 September 2005 (Sunday)
Time: 1.30 pm
Venue: City Discipleship Presbyterian Church ( Location Map )

Title: Can we be Christians and love Science?

Part 1: Defining Science
*Biblical mandate - Gen 1:28-31 understanding and using God's world
*Science = Asking questions and finding answers, gathers knowledge of the creation, uses it to accomplish desired ends (technology)

Part 2: History of the relationship between Science and Religion
*Universal reality of religion
*Physics and Metaphysics
*Induction vs. deduction
*Francis Bacon and the Scientific revolution
*the Galileo Incident - was Christianity to blame?
*Aquinas & Kant's discussion on Science and Religion
*Superstition permeates religion and is the convenient answer to the unknown
*Science = General revelation, the Bible = Special revelation
* Examples of the disaster of not being able to distinguish the rightful domains of science and religion

Part 3: Application
*Hermeneutics and Science – working together and meeting at the top
*Life is wholesome – Science & Metaphysical issues answered and being learnt
* Case study : Young earth vs old earth – how do we respond given all that we have learned


Dave said…
Praying for a "double date" to discusss Mere Christianity with TY/SY at the

Date: 24 th Sept
Time: 7.30 pm
Anonymous said…
Thank you, dave, for inviting me to CF back in college... otherwise i would never know those wonderful people and have such beautiful memories.

It has changed my life. nice to meet grace at Mich's wedding