Monkey Morality

In Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis made a classic case for Christian faith from morality... I still think it's the most handy and powerful case one can make.

But Darwinists wud not give up so easily. Some would argue that we are biologically
"wired to be moral" as nature's way of ensuring the survival of our species.

Soo Inn wrote a nice piece here on Darwin & Good Samaritan while Greg Koukl is hilarious here in Monkey Morality...

I also like Greg's mission statement:
"There's a crying need to equip rank-and-file Christians to defend Christian beliefs and values in the marketplace of ideas against people who don't understand our language, and who don't accept the Christian's source of authority. That need is especially acute for Christian gatekeepers--those Christians in positions of respect and influence in their community--doctors, lawyers, teachers, office-holders, business leaders, school board members--who must function in a public square that is increasing hostile to Christian values."
