Divorce And Remarriage

I was moved and inspired by how the church leadership has negotiated the thorny issue of divorce and remarriage last Sunday.

We searched the scriptures for we are convicted that here is God's inerrant Word on matters of faith and practice. We discussed, presented papers and debated.

We prayed for we are equally convicted that we need God's Spirit to illumine and guide us in decisions that would manifest the divine holiness, grace and redemption.

At the end of the day, we agree to disagree, arrive at a consensus and close ranks to pursue the mission of God.

Daniel posted on the ethos of that service in CDPC last Sunday:

The senior pastor called it - a family affair before he announced it. Truly it was a family affair, and an important one. It was a tough announcement to make, an equally tough decision for a church to make. It was the realities and challenges of an imperfect life, meeting the moral ideals in the church. It was a decision that could potentially split the church because of the gravity of the issue.

I remember in one of the episodes of the award winning TV series - Lost, where the wicked brother of a holy priest remarked that the church was a place where righteousness and evil seemed very far away from each other - very different from the real world. Love, grace and forgiveness was exercised very strongly on the pulpit this morning. Perhaps that will be the only thing we'll ever need to bridge that divide to show people the way back to the cross. Perhaps today, was and will be one of the few days in church history where this happened on the church pulpit in front of the congregation.

Kam Weng has also posted these helpful reflections on Divorce & Remarriage Part 1 and Part 2.
