With Full Gospel Businessmen

Bit off more than i could chew this month... Started off with a possibility speaking engagement at a Methodist boy school on "Finding God in Lord of the Rings" (4 consecutive days), but for some logistic reasons, it didn't happen. It may not be the best topic leading towards Good Friday, but i thought the analogy of using Frodo setting his face towards to Golgotha.. i mean, Mordor, was apt.

An MMU Cyberjaya fren asked me to represent the Christian faith at an interfaith dialogue.. but I'm not comfy about it cos' I know there are so many people out there more qualified and experienced who may do better. I am willing to do it if in the worst case scenario, no one else could do it then no choice but to use 'pemain simpanan'. It's always more enjoyable being the backbencher cum match commentator, rite? hehehe... Fortunately, Phye Keat agreed to do it and I'm off the hook.

Looking back I thank God that the plans didn't fall thru cos it would have been a crazy schedule, considering I still have to work! Probably need the Agora comrades to help take some of these assignments.

But I did manage to squeeze in a 20 minute lunch talk at the Subang Chapter of FGB Fellowship, another 'road show' on Da Vinci Code, haha... Due to time limits, I just used it as a chance to encourage ppl to discover more about their faith in these areas - church history, bible canon and revived gnosticism.

Rev Edmund Chan of Covenant Evangelical Free Church hit the high notes in this stirring call for churches in Spore and beyond to be READY and use the DVC movie as an OPPORTUNITY (not just perceived threat) to reclaim the intellectual contours of our land! Listen to this passionate message here. Don't be caught sleeping, my friends!

Brief Introduction:

DVC says, “Faith is acceptance of what we imagine to be, that which we cannot prove”. Is that true?

The Christian gospel that God revealed Himself to us in history through the person of Jesus Christ –crucified, resurrected and glorified. Faith is beyond reason, but not against reason. (1 Peter 3:16)

Some Areas We Could Be Prepared For :

Church History: DVC claims Constantine upgraded the status of Jesus from man to divinity by a close vote?

But the heretic Arius argued that Jesus is created being, having similar nature as God! (more than a mere man!)

The Nicene Council 325 AD came to an overwhelming consensus (318-2) that Jesus is of the same nature as the Father, fully God and fully man. But what did the church believe before the council? (1 John 4:12)

Church Fathers like Ignatius (110 AD), Polycarp (martyred 160 AD), Justin Martyr, Irenaeus and others in 2nd century AD all teach, worship and assume the deity of Christ hundreds of years before Constantine. These martyrs died for the Lordship of Christ rather than worship Caesar.

The Gnostic books: Heard of the Gospel of Thomas (150 AD), Judas, Mary or Philip (200-450 AD)? The Gnostics believe they had secret insider knowledge to direct access to God through self-knowledge. The Plato-influenced teachings were against women, had a low view of sex and seek to escape the physical world. The incarnation, crucifixion and resurrection are denied because the physical body is seen as evil and history irrelevant. Gospel of Thomas: “Jesus said if you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.”

How reliable are they as historical records? The Gnostic books were written hundreds of years after Jesus’ lifetime. In contrast, the canonical Gospels were written within decades of the crucifixion. (50 – 90AD) Look at Luke 1:1-4

The Gnostic books were written using pseudo-names. (2 Thess 2:1-2) Philip could not have lived till 250 years old!

Postmodernist history as ‘a fable agreed upon’? Tell that to the victims-historians of the Holocaust or Nanking in World War II.

The Canon: “The Bible did not fall magically from the sky”.
God inspired the apostles to write and in His sovereign providence guided the church to fulfill her duty to recognize its authority. The ‘Muratorion canon’ accepted most of NT more than 100 years before Constantine. Criteria: Written by apostle or associate? Written during time of apostles? Are teachings consistent with Scriptures? Universal acceptance in churches?

As humble, winsome, informed and tactful ambassadors for Christ, we could use this opportunity to share God’s love to save us from our sins through Jesus - the way, the truth and the life.


jedibaba said…
Aiya why didn't you say yes to the MMU interfaith dialogue? It's time to go beyond the pemain simpanan role. Use the Force, Luke, er... I mean trust the Lord, Dave. Here I full agree with Leon that you have been called and gifted for this role.
Dave said…
Er.. lemme try the Jedi 'mind trick' on a personal, coffeetable basis first hehe..

If it works, then I'd take a bigger leap :)
vincent said…
quote "DVC says, “Faith is acceptance of what we imagine to be, that which we cannot prove”. end quote

well this is just the opp what Heb 11 says, Faith is the SUBSTANCE ..

Substances can be proven,and got nothing to do with imaginary.. and our substances is based on God's Word.