One For The Road

Thanks to Wilfred and Mrs Liew, I hope to take leave next Wednesday to share on the claims of Christ and Scripture (in response to the Da Vinci Code). The stints at International Medical College and Methodist Boys School in KL will be the last ones before I head for Minneapolis...

Would appreciate all your prayers and intercessions that in all things, He will be glorified.

Three months or so ago, I have started on working the night shift (3 pm - 12 am) so that would explain why the almost omnipresent Hedonese has been absent from Yahoo messenger on most mornings.

Due to the time difference, supporting our clients in North America sure needs a bit of juggling with lifestyles...

It puts a spanner on my social life, not to mention dating life! My energy cycle usually goes on a high in the morning and hits bottom by 11 pm, now it needs to be reversed. Fortunately I could do a weekly rotation with another colleague :)

While adjusting life rhythm for now, I see the backlogs of unresponded emails and blog posts have been piling up. Some ongoing discussions with some local Barthian, Greek Orthodox, Darwinist, Muslim, errantists and others...

Gosh! This can be a fulltime job!
