Young Disciples of Jesus

A student ministry Young Disciples Of Jesus Malaysia has just been launched this month for the purpose of

1. World evangelism (Evangelia)
2. Teaching the Gospel to His people (Kerigma)
3. Establish the channel to having fellowship in the Lord (Koinonia)
4. Serve and give to the needy (Diakonia)

Young Disciples of Jesus was first established in China and was founded for the purpose of spreading the Gospel to revive the spirit of Christianity and to preach the good news of Jesus Christ to the unreached across the world.


The symbol for the Young Disciples of Jesus is a shield in the background. The front of the shield was formed with the cross, olive leaf, dove, fire, and the Bible. The symbols mean through the emptying of our Lord Jesus Christ, who redeemed us by His sacrifice on the cross, to the ones who placed their faith in Him were pronounced righteous. We have inherited the same faith, with the Gospel that is revealed through the Holy Scriptures and led by the Spirit of Truth as the core doctrine, are given the command to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth and becoming the witness to His cross and resurrection.
