The Real Secret

I started out as a skeptic of Da Vinci Code, all out to debunk its claims.

But after much research and intense investigation, I've become convinced that Leonardo Da Vinci was really a Grand Master of Priory of Sion and has hidden a secret code in the Last Supper painting.

But it is a secret much, much more sinister than anything Dan Brown could ever imagine! The real Da Vinci Code is...

(Scroll down.....)

(I'm Loving It! Thanks, Rev Wong, for the inspiration!)

A Compilation of DVC Blog Posts

Is Engagement Compromise?

Why Bother? Dun Hate, Educate!

Faith Is Believing What You Know Ain't true?

Why is DVC So Popular?

Only Winners Write History

Lost Books In Bible?

Christian Credentials?

Fact Or Fiction?

Musings From Marina Mahathir

Apa Itu Da Vinci Code?

Apa Itu Injil Gnostik?

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DVC VCD selling for RM 5


Forum by Full Gospel Businessman Fellowship

Forum by Faith Charismatic Church

Forum by CCM

Forum by Kairos

Forum by RZIM

Forum in Singapore

Forum at Living Room SIB

More on Living Room Forum

Maiden Forum in CDPC and follow-up post-event reflections
